Publications list
- Jochem, P., Kaschub, T., Fichtner, W., 2011. How to Integrate Electric Vehicles in the Future Energy System?, In: Proceedings of Final conference of the Socio-economic Research of the 'Model region Electric Mobility Bremen/Oldenburg', Bremen, 2011.
- Jochem, P., Kaschub, T., Paetz, A.-G., Fichtner, W., 2012. Integrating Electric Vehicles into the German Electricity Grid – an Interdisciplinary Analysis. EVS26, Los Angeles, USA.
- Droste, M., Jochem, P., Kahner, C., Fichtner, W., 2012. e-Mobility – Der Weg vom zukunftsweisenden Prototypen zum alltagstauglichen Volumenprodukt. Automobil Industrie 57 (10), 30-33.
- Ensslen, A., Babrowski, S., Jochem, P., Fichtner, W., 2012. Existe-il des différences d’acceptation des véhicules électriques entre la France et l’Allemagne? – Premiers résultats de l’analyse scientifique du test de flotte Cross Border Mobility for Electric Vehicles (CROME). 11ème séminaire francophone est-ouest de socio-économie des transports, Karlsruhe.
- Hillemacher, L., Jochem, P., Fichtner, W., 2012. Entscheidungsunterstützung beim Lastmanagement. In: Renatus, F., R. Kunze, I. Karschin, J. Geldermann, W. Fichtner, Entscheidungunterstützung durch Operations Research im Energie- und Umweltbereich, Sharker, Aachen, S. 21-39.
- Jochem, P., Poganietz, W.-R., 2012. Was treibt die Autos der Zukunft an?. KIT Energynews 2012(2), S. 18-19.
- Jochem, P., Kaschub, T., Paetz, A.-G., Fichtner, W., 2012. Integrating Electric Vehicles into the German Electricity Grid – an Interdisciplinary Analysis. EVS26, Los Angeles, USA.
- Jochem, P., Kaschub, T., Paetz, A.-G., Fichtner, W., 2012. Integrating Electric Vehicles into the German Electricity Grid - An Interdisciplinary Analysis. Euro 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Kaschub, T., Paetz, A-G., Jochem, P., Fichtner, W., 2012. Lastmanagement mit intelligenten Haushaltsgeräten und Elektrofahrzeugen – eine modellgestützte Analyse. VDE Kongress, Stuttgart.
- Paetz, A.G., Pfriem, M., Jochem, P., Fichtner, W., 2012. Smart Charging – Results From an On-Road Test With Electric Scooters, IAEE, Venedig.
- Paetz, A.-G., Kaschub, T., Kopp, M., Jochem, P., Fichtner, W., 2012. Monetäre Anreize zur Steuerung der Ladelast von Elektrofahrzeugen – eine modellgestützte Optimierung. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, (ISSUE) ISSN: 10.1007/s12398-012-0095-z.
- Poganietz, W.-R., Jochem, P., Schäuble, J., Fichtner W., 2012. Wandel der Mobilitätsstile durch alternative Antriebskonzepte. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis 21(2), S. 95-98.
- Ensslen, A., Jochem, P., Schäuble, J., Babrowski, S., Fichtner, W., 2013. User acceptance of electric vehicles in the French-German transnational context, in Proceedings of the 13th WCTR, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Jochem, P., Poganietz, W.-R., Grunwald, A., Fichtner, W. (Hrsg.), 2013. Alternative Antriebskonzepte bei sich wandelnden Mobilitätsstilen, KIT Publishing, Karlsruhe.
- Jochem, P., Schippl, J. 2013. Mobility 2.0: Antriebskonzepte im Zusammenspiel mit multimodaler Mobilität, in: Jochem, P., Poganietz, W.-R., Grunwald, A., Fichtner, W. (Hrsg.): Alternative Antriebskonzepte bei sich wandelnden Mobilitätsstilen, pp. 163-182, KIT Publishing, Karlsruhe.
- Ensslen, A., Jochem, P., Fichtner, W., 2013. Experiences of EV Users in the French-German Context, Proceedings of EVS27-Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Gagnol, P., P. Jochem, 2013. CROME: the French and German field demonstration of the interoperable Electro-mobility with EVs, Proceedings of EVS27-Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Jochem, P., Babrowski, S. Fichtner, W., 2013. Electric Vehicle Market Penetration and Corresponding CO2 Emissions: A German Case Study For 2030, Proceedings of IAEE-Conference, Düsseldorf.
- Pfriem, M., Gauterin, F., 2013. Less range as a possible solution for the market success of electric vehicles in commercial fleets, Proceedings of EVS27-Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Gagnol, P., Jochem P., Pierre M., Fichtner W., 2013. CROME: the French and German field demonstration of the interoperable Electro-mobility with EVs, Proceedings of EVS27-Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Hahn, T.; Schönfelder, M.; Jochem, P.; Heuveline, V. and Fichtner, W. (2013), Model-based Quantification of Load Shift Potentials and Optimized Charging of Electric Vehicles, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 4 (5), pp. 398-408.
- Jochem, P.; Kaschub, T. and Fichtner, W. (2013): How to Integrate Electric Vehicles in the Future Energy System?, in: Hülsmann, M and Fornahl, D. (Eds.): Evolutionary Paths Towards the Mobility Patterns of the Future, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Pfahl, S.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (2013): When will Electric Vehicles Capture the German Market? And Why?, in proceedings of EVS27 Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Project dissemination session at EVS27 with contributions from:
- Sylvie MOULET, EDF, FR
- Anne-Sophie FULDA, EIFER, DE
- Stephan WUNNERLICH, EnBW Vertrieb GmbH, DE
- Michael SCHILICK, Robert Bosch GmbH, DE
- Patrick JOCHEM, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), DE
- Ziad DAGHER, Renault, FR
- Pfriem, M., Gauterin, F., 2014. Employing Smartphones as a Low-Cost Multi Sensor Platform in a Field Operational Test with Electric Vehicles, Proceedings of HICSS 47, Hilton Waikoloa, USA.
- Pfriem, M. Gauterin, F., Meyer, T., 2014. Selected Results from a Large-Scale Field Operational Test with Electric Vehicles in Germany and France, 5th Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Conference, London, UK (ACCEPTED)
- Pfriem, M. Gauterin, F., Meyer, T., 2014. Quantification of the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Transport through the Use of Electric Vehicles, WCTRS SIGf2 International Conference "Climate Change and Transport" (ACCEPTED)
- Heinrichs, H.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (2014): Including road transport in the EU ETS: A model-based analysis of the German electricity and transport sector, Energy 69, pp. 708-720.
- Babrowski, S.; Heinrichs, H.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (2014): Load shift potential by electric vehicles in Europe, Journal of Power Sources 255, pp. 283-293.
- Babrowski, S.; Jochem P. and Fichtner, W. (2014): The need for electricity storage systems and their allocation in the German power system, in: Selected Proceedings of Operations Research conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands (accepted).